“The only difference between a success and a failure is that the successful person is willing to do what the failure is not willing to do.” – J.R. Ridinger

Get Motivated!

Are you willing to do anything to accomplish your dreams?  I know the answer is yes.  But not everyone has the same ambition.  Most people have grand aspirations but are not willing to put in the work to achieve them.  They think to themselves there must be an easier way.

They spend most of their time looking for shortcuts when all along they could have redirected there efforts into the way it needed to be done.   All it takes is a little bit of persistence and discipline.  With these two things you can turn a block of stone into a work of art.  Win the day!

“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.” – Beverly Sills


Get Motivated!

Failure is never fun.  Especially when you put your heart and soul into something and it doesn’t work out.  The disappointment can be crushing.  But…the experience is invaluable.  Your life has been shaped by your successes and failures,  but you are unique in the fact that you realize they are one in the same thing.

The only real difference between success and failure is perspective.  And  it’s not so much the outcome  that’s important, but the fact that you tried in the first place.  Because without an attempt, success and failure couldn’t even exist.

Win the day!


“If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; if you don’t, you have achieved half your failure.” – David Ambrose

And so the story begins…

Most people are defeated before they ever get started.  They think they can’t do something, and they are right, and they never try.  What they don’t realize is that saying “I can” is the first step to victory.  Without the will to win success will seem impossible.  And as we both know…nothing is impossible.

Get Motivated!

“Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top.” – J.C. Penny

Get Motivated…

While times weren’t always easy, and plenty of mistakes were made, in the end you were born to lead.  The positions at the top aren’t for your average man, though many think they can do it, few ever put in the effort and sacrifice to reach their full potential.  And although it may seem like it, things never came naturally to you.  You had to fight and scrap for every ounce of respect, for every accomplishment.  And now you can look back in admiration just knowing you are anything but average.  Win the day!

“I learned that the only way you are going to get anywhere in life is to work hard at it. Whether you’re a musician, a writer, an athlete or a businessman, there is no getting around it. If you do, you’ll win – if you don’t you won’t.” – Bruce Jenner

Get Motivated…

You know.  Deep, down, inside you know how to get it done.  Just beneath the surface of your consciousness, you know, that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.  Everything you desire is just a few hours of hard work away.

There are no tricks, no shortcuts, just hard work.   Others before you have made the map and all you must do is follow.  It is as simple as that.  But will you do it?  Yes you will.  Because you are not afraid to go after success.  You know that hard work is NEVER a waste of time.  You know the way.
