“The man who moved a mountain was the one who began carrying away small stones.” – Chinese Proverb

Get Motivated…

Go (igo) board with stones

At first it seemed pointless.  How could such little action make any difference?  If you can’t see or feel the effects right away nothing must be happening.  But you gave it a shot.  Soon you realized you were making progress.

These small little steps were starting to accumulate into something big.  Progress was made.  What an exciting feeling!  Like water cutting through stone, your consistency, discipline and persistence were creating  something truly magnificent.   It was then that you learned that the power of focus can move mountains.

Win the day!

MotivatedQuotes.com runs on the Genesis Framework

Genesis Framework

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go. It's that simple - start using Genesis now!

Take advantage of the 6 default layout options, comprehensive SEO settings, rock-solid security, flexible theme options, cool custom widgets, custom design hooks, and a huge selection of child themes ("skins") that make your site look the way you want it to. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog.

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